Component assembly is an important phase in the manufacturing process. It requires attention to detail in order to join together all components to create a functional product.
Though we specialize in manufacturing machined components, we can provide assembly services, when the client requires.
Stages of component assembly:
- The manufacturing of machined parts,
- Planning of sequence,
- Fitting and alignment,
- Fastening and joining,
- Quality control.
Plastics injection for auto and non-auto components manufacturer - Injection moulding of rubber and plastic. Plastic products for the vehicle manufacturing industry.
Hidrotherapy Hydrotherapy is the branch of the naturist medicine that uses water for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. The hydro-massage achieved through lateral water-air jets relaxes muscles and dilates blood vessels.
Aero-massage The aero-massage achieved through air bubbles stimulates skin receptors, reduces muscle tension, regenerates the skin and refreshes the entire body.
The natural massage made by the motion of the water and of the air is created today by technological means.
Several minutes a day, at a temperature close to the temperature of the human body are enough to provide calmness and relaxation.
Interior sills are more than just a decorative element; they play a crucial role in protecting and enhancing the comfort of your home. These sills are designed to resist moisture, ensuring longevity and maintaining their appearance over time. Available in the same color as the window frames, they seamlessly integrate with the overall design of your interior, creating a harmonious and pleasing environment.
The interior sills are available in various widths, allowing for customization to suit your specific needs. They not only protect the window area but also add a touch of elegance to your home, completing the thermal insulation joinery with style. Whether you're looking to update your current sills or install new ones, these interior sills offer a practical and attractive solution.
Bonjour, je m'appelle Bejan Vitalie Je suis responsable chez sc.Vitadent Garanti srl -Bucuresti, c'est la seule entreprise en Roumanie à commercialiser des composants compatibles pour implants dentaires en titane WWW.ABUTMENT.RO, nous recherchons des PRODUCTEURS pour implants dentaires et pièces en titane compatibles pour la collaboration. ou pour la revente, nous attendons votre proposition par e-mail:, ou WhatsApp +40746111131 Best Regard.
Se acordă o importanță deosebită realizării panourilor electrice, componentelor acestora, pentru a garanta succesul unui sistem electric.
Proiectarea, dezvoltarea și cablarea sunt realizate pentru a asigura fiabilitate și calitate ridicată, în conformitate cu reglementările internaționale. Fazele de asamblare și cablare sunt supuse unei optimizări și automatizări continue.
În cei peste 27 de ani de activitate în domeniul vânzărilor de organe de asamblare, sisteme de fixare, unelte și scule ne-am format experiența cu care ne mândrim, și care definește compania Rocast – o companie 100% românească ce s-a dezvoltat prin capacitatea ei de a oferi soluții profesionale clienților din domeniu. Chiar de la început ne-am propus să creăm o familie comună a celor ce au nevoie de produse de calitate, si am reușit și facem acest lucru zi de zi.
De-a lungul timpului echipa Rocast te-a obișnuit doar cu produsele de top din Germania și continuăm această tradiție prin lansarea proiectului Harden. Deoarece suntem atenți la nevoile tale, iți punem la dispozitie o gamă largă de produse profesionale de top. Ne adresăm atât persoanelor fizice cât și juridice, asigurând ajutorul și expertiza noastră prin suportul echipei Rocast. Misiunea echipei noastre este de a te ajuta sa-ți duci proiectele la bun sfârșit, oricât de dificil ar parea deoarece pe langă materialele necesare, găsesti și ajutorul necesar.
Reușim acest lucru prin respectarea principiilor care ne definesc, și anume încrederea, continuitatea și stabilitatea ce stau la baza identitații noastre
Bricolaj (207)
Scule si Unelte de mana (178)
Acumulatori si incarcatoare scule electrice (4)
Polizoare unghiulare (4)
Aparate de masura digitale (3)
Masini de gaurit si insurubat (1)
Freze si rindele (1)
Masini de slefuit (1)
Accesorii pentru aparate de taiat, frezat, slefuit (1)
Accesorii aparate de sudura (1)
Pistoale de vopsit (1)
Gradinarit (9)
Unelte gradinarit (9)
Echipamente protectia muncii (6)
Incaltaminte de protectie (6)
Serviciile noastre de reparatii cantare electronice sunt esentiale pentru mentinerea preciziei si conformitatii echipamentelor de cantarire utilizate in tranzactiile comerciale. Echipa noastra certificata asigura interventii rapide si sigure, folosind echipamente moderne de diagnosticare si calibrare pentru a garanta functionarea optima a cantarelor. Indiferent de tipul de defectiune, fie ca este vorba de probleme de calibrare sau erori de afisaj, tehnicienii nostri sunt pregatiti sa ofere solutii eficiente, asigurand astfel continuitatea operatiunilor dumneavoastra.
Oferim servicii de reparatii 24/7, intelegand impactul timpilor de nefunctionare asupra afacerii dumneavoastra. Folosim doar piese de schimb certificate, conform specificatiilor producatorului, pentru a ne asigura ca fiecare cantar reparat indeplineste standardele de precizie si fiabilitate cerute de reglementarile in vigoare. Astfel, va puteti baza pe echipamentele dumneavoastra pentru a efectua masuratori exacte si conforme cu cerintele legale, protejand astfel afacerea de posibile sanctiuni si pierderi financiare.
Pentru consultanță în scopul alegerii produsului ideal aplicației dumneavoastră nu ezitați și contactați-ne la 0749.099.987 sau pe adresa de email
INOTECH MACHINING offers CNC machining of aluminum parts with a precision of up to 0,01 mm. We have the capabilities to process all types of aluminum alloys.
Aluminum is an easy-to-process metal with unique peculiarities. Because aluminum is a lightweight metal with an increased resistance to corrosion it is preferred by many industries.
We pride ourselves on having the capabilities and expertise to produce flawless aluminum milled parts for the aeronautics industry, the pharma industry, and the food sector.
Machines for CNC milling:
- 3-axis, 4 axis, and 5-axis machines.
- From 10 x 10 x 10mm to 2000 x 10000 x 1500mm.
We manufacture milled parts in all dimensions and shapes: from large milled workpieces to small parts that require increased precision.
We have extensive experience in manufacturing custom milled parts for various industries and uses: the heavy industry, the automotive and aeronautics industry, the food and agriculture sector, the medical, research, and pharma sectors.
Our modern park of CNC milling machines allow us to deliver flawless milled parts in the shortest time.
- 3axis, 4 axis, and 5 axis machines.
- From 10 x 10 x 10mm to 2000 x 10000 x 1500mm.
The materials we usually use are steel, stainless steel, and aluminum but we can also use brass, cast iron, plastic.
INOTECH MACHINING offers CNC machining of aluminum parts with a precision of up to 0,01 mm. We have the capabilities to process all types of aluminum alloys.
Aluminum is an easy-to-process metal with unique peculiarities. Because aluminum is a lightweight metal with an increased resistance to corrosion it is preferred by many industries. We pride ourselves on having the capabilities and expertise to produce flawless aluminum milled parts for the aeronautics industry, the pharma industry, and the food sector.
Machines for CNC milling:
- 3-axis, 4 axis, and 5-axis machines.
- From 10 x 10 x 10mm to 2000 x 10000 x 1500mm.
Component assembly is an important phase in the manufacturing process. It requires attention to detail in order to join together all components to create a functional product.
Though we specialize in manufacturing machined components, we can provide assembly services, when the client requires.
Stages of component assembly:
- The manufacturing of machined parts,
- Planning of sequence,
- Fitting and alignment,
- Fastening and joining,
- Quality control.
INOTECH MACHINING erbjuder CNC-bearbetning av aluminiumdetaljer med en precision på upp till 0,01 mm. Vi har förmågan att bearbeta alla typer av aluminiumlegeringar.
Aluminium är en lättbearbetad metall med unika egenheter. Eftersom aluminium är en lättviktsmetall med ökad motståndskraft mot korrosion föredras den av många industrier.
Vi är stolta över att ha förmågan och expertis för att producera felfria frästa aluminiumdelar för flygindustrin, läkemedelsindustrin och livsmedelssektorn.
Maskiner för CNC-fräsning:
- 3-axliga, 4-axliga och 5-axliga maskiner.
- Från 10 x 10 x 10 mm till 2000 x 10 000 x 1500 mm.
Vi tillverkar högkvalitativa CNC-svarvade komponenter i alla dimensioner och former: stora arbetsstycken såväl som medelstora och små delar.
Vår moderna park av CNC-svarvar gör det möjligt för oss att leverera frästa detaljer av högsta kvalitet på kortast möjliga tid.
- 3-axliga, 4-axliga och 5-axliga maskiner.
- Från 20 till 1000 mm diameter, L=100-10000mm.
De material som vi vanligtvis använder i CNC-svarvning är stål, rostfritt stål och aluminium men vi kan också använda mässing, gjutjärn, plast.
Komponentmontering är en viktig fas i tillverkningsprocessen. Det kräver noggrannhet för att alla komponenter ska kunna sättas samman till en funktionell produkt.
Även om vi är specialiserade på tillverkning av maskinbearbetade komponenter kan vi erbjuda monteringstjänster när kunden så önskar.
Etapper av komponentmontering:
- Tillverkning av maskinbearbetade delar,
- Planering av sekvensen,
- Passning och inriktning,
- Fästning och sammanfogning,
- Kvalitetskontroll.
Vi tillverkar högkvalitativa CNC-svarvade komponenter i alla dimensioner och former: stora arbetsstycken såväl som medelstora och små delar.
Vår moderna park av CNC-svarvar gör det möjligt för oss att leverera frästa detaljer av högsta kvalitet på kortast möjliga tid.
- 3-axliga, 4-axliga och 5-axliga maskiner.
- Från 20 till 1000 mm diameter, L=100-10000mm.
De material som vi vanligtvis använder i CNC-svarvning är stål, rostfritt stål och aluminium men vi kan också använda mässing, gjutjärn, plast.
INOTECH MACHINING offers CNC machining of aluminum parts with a precision of up to 0,01 mm. We have the capabilities to process all types of aluminum alloys.
Aluminum is an easy-to-process metal with unique peculiarities. Because aluminum is a lightweight metal with an increased resistance to corrosion it is preferred by many industries.
We pride ourselves on having the capabilities and expertise to produce flawless aluminum milled parts for the aeronautics industry, the pharma industry, and the food sector.
Machines for CNC milling:
- 3-axis, 4 axis, and 5-axis machines.
- From 10 x 10 x 10mm to 2000 x 10000 x 1500mm.
INOTECH MACHINING offers CNC machining of aluminum parts with a precision of up to 0,01 mm. We have the capabilities to process all types of aluminum alloys.
Aluminum is an easy-to-process metal with unique peculiarities. Because aluminum is a lightweight metal with an increased resistance to corrosion it is preferred by many industries.
We pride ourselves on having the capabilities and expertise to produce flawless aluminum milled parts for the aeronautics industry, the pharma industry, and the food sector.
Machines for CNC milling:
- 3-axis, 4 axis, and 5-axis machines.
- From 10 x 10 x 10mm to 2000 x 10000 x 1500mm.
INOTECH MACHINING offers CNC machining of aluminum parts with a precision of up to 0,01 mm. We have the capabilities to process all types of aluminum alloys.
Aluminum is an easy-to-process metal with unique peculiarities. Because aluminum is a lightweight metal with an increased resistance to corrosion it is preferred by many industries.
We pride ourselves on having the capabilities and expertise to produce flawless aluminum milled parts for the aeronautics industry, the pharma industry, and the food sector.
Machines for CNC milling:
- 3-axis, 4 axis, and 5-axis machines.
- From 10 x 10 x 10mm to 2000 x 10000 x 1500mm.
Vi tillverkar högkvalitativa CNC-svarvade komponenter i alla dimensioner och former: stora arbetsstycken såväl som medelstora och små delar.
Vår moderna park av CNC-svarvar gör det möjligt för oss att leverera frästa detaljer av högsta kvalitet på kortast möjliga tid.
- 3-axliga, 4-axliga och 5-axliga maskiner.
- Från 20 till 1000 mm diameter, L=100-10000mm.
De material som vi vanligtvis använder i CNC-svarvning är stål, rostfritt stål och aluminium men vi kan också använda mässing, gjutjärn, plast.
Vi tillverkar högkvalitativa CNC-svarvade komponenter i alla dimensioner och former: stora arbetsstycken såväl som medelstora och små delar.
Vår moderna park av CNC-svarvar gör det möjligt för oss att leverera frästa detaljer av högsta kvalitet på kortast möjliga tid.
- 3-axliga, 4-axliga och 5-axliga maskiner.
- Från 20 till 1000 mm diameter, L=100-10000mm.
De material som vi vanligtvis använder i CNC-svarvning är stål, rostfritt stål och aluminium men vi kan också använda mässing, gjutjärn, plast.
L'assemblage des composants est une phase importante du processus de fabrication. Il nécessite une attention particulière aux détails afin d'assembler tous les composants pour créer un produit fonctionnel.
Bien que nous soyons spécialisés dans la fabrication de composants usinés, nous pouvons fournir des services d'assemblage lorsque le client le souhaite.
Étapes de l'assemblage des composants :
- La fabrication de pièces usinées,
- Planification de la séquence,
- Ajustement et alignement,
- Fixation et assemblage,
- Contrôle de la qualité.
INOTECH MACHINING propose l'usinage CNC de pièces en aluminium avec une précision allant jusqu'à 0,01 mm. Nous sommes en mesure de traiter tous les types d'alliages d'aluminium.
L'aluminium est un métal facile à traiter qui présente des particularités uniques. L'aluminium est un métal léger qui présente une résistance accrue à la corrosion, ce qui lui vaut la préférence de nombreuses industries. Nous sommes fiers d'avoir les capacités et l'expertise nécessaires pour produire des pièces fraisées en aluminium parfaites pour l'industrie aéronautique, l'industrie pharmaceutique et le secteur alimentaire.
Machines pour le fraisage CNC :
- Machines à 3, 4 et 5 axes.
- De 10 x 10 x 10 mm à 2000 x 10000 x 1500 mm.
Komponentmontering är en viktig fas i tillverkningsprocessen. Det kräver noggrannhet för att alla komponenter ska kunna sättas samman till en funktionell produkt.
Även om vi är specialiserade på tillverkning av maskinbearbetade komponenter kan vi erbjuda monteringstjänster när kunden så önskar.
Etapper av komponentmontering:
- Tillverkning av maskinbearbetade delar,
- Planering av sekvensen,
- Passning och inriktning,
- Fästning och sammanfogning,
- Kvalitetskontroll.